5 Facts You Should Know About Psoriasis
by Michael Marenick on Nov 02, 2021

5 Facts You Should Know About Psoriasis

1. Psoriasis is NOT a Skin Disease
Psoriasis is actually an auto-immune disease. An auto-immune disease causes your own bodies immune system to fight healthy skin cells. The symptoms of psoriasis including scaly buildup, redness and dryness are all visible on the skin which makes people believe that psoriasis is a skin disease.
2. There are Five Types of Psoriasis
Plaque Psoriasis
This is the most common and recognized form of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis causes the dry and raised red skin that most people identify with the disease. These red lesions or “plaques” are often covered with silvery scales and are circular to oval in shape. Plaque psoriasis can occur anywhere on the body and can itch or even be painful in severe cases. Plaque psoriasis can even be found on the genitals and on the soft tissue inside your mouth. Since plaque psoriasis is commonly found on the elbows and knees, the area around the joints may crack and bleed due to the severe dryness.

Guttate Psoriasis
Guttate Psoriasis is the second most common form of psoriasis. The lesions associated with Guttate psoriasis are normally small and are either round or tear drop in shape. Guttate psoriasis is usually found in younger individuals and is often brought on by a bacterial infection such as strep throat. The sores associated with this type of psoriasis are not as thick as with plaque psoriasis and are not as scaly. Guttate psoriasis may go away on its own as soon as the infection is gone. Typically, Guttate psoriasis occurs on the trunk, arms or legs. However, it may also cover a large portion of the body.
Inverse Psoriasis
This form of psoriasis mainly occurs in areas where the skin overlaps. Common areas are the armpits, under the breasts, in the groin area and around the genitals. Friction and sweat can often make this form of psoriasis worse. Inverse psoriasis usually appears as smooth red patches that may be inflamed or irritated. This type of psoriasis is more common in overweight individuals. The overgrowth of yeast may actually trigger the skin lesions of this type of psoriasis.
Pustular Psoriasis
This form of psoriasis is uncommon and makes up only a small percentage of all the reported cases. Pustular psoriasis comes on quickly. Pus-filled blisters can appear within hours and the skin will be red and irritated. These blisters often come in cycles. They will dry and disappear after a day or so and then reappear in a few days. This is one form of psoriasis in which additional side effects such as fever, fatigue, chills and itching can occur. Pustular psoriasis can appear in small areas on the hands and feet or can be wide spread over large areas of the body.
Erythrodermic Psoriasis
This is probably the rarest form of psoriasis but can be quite serious. In most cases, it will cover an entire body with a red rash that will peel, itch and burn. The increased blood flow to the psoriasis areas can put a strain on the heart. It is believed that erythrodermic psoriasis can be brought on by severe sunburn or certain types of medications. Sometimes other forms of psoriasis can turn into erythrodermic psoriasis if they are not kept under control.
3. Psoriasis Can be More Than a Skin Problem
Recent studies have shown a connection with having psoriasis and other diseases. One in five people who have psoriasis will also develop psoriatic arthritis. This is a condition that affects the joints causing them to become tender and swollen. Psoriatic arthritis may also cause swelling of the fingers and toes. In addition, people who suffer with psoriasis are more often prone to become obese and have type 2 diabetes. In general, people with psoriasis should have a good primary care physician that understands psoriasis and other associated diseases so they can be monitored appropriately.
4. Psoriasis is More Common Than You Think
About 10% of the world’s population are believed to be genetically predisposed to having psoriasis. However, only about 2-3 percent of these people actually develop this disease. The reason why some people get psoriasis while others don’t is still unknown. Doctors say that psoriasis is often brought on by some type of trigger. This could be something as simple as a bad sunburn to something quite severe like a traumatic injury to the body. If you suffer with psoriasis remember you are not alone. Recently many celebrities are starting to come out about their personal experience with psoriasis. These celebrities include LeAnn Rimes, Kim Kardashian, Jerry Mathers (The Beaver), Jon Lovitz, CariDee English and Stacy London.
5. Treatments for Psoriasis Have Changed
Psoriasis has been around for thousands of years. Back in the olden days because this disease was so misunderstood there were many odd remedies that were tried. These included a blend of onions, salt and urine; toxic solutions that included mercury and arsenic; stranger yet – semen and goose oil.
These days there are many great over-the-counter psoriasis creams, psoriasis shampoos, Scalp Oils and other topical solutions that are very effective in the treatment of psoriasis. For people with severe psoriasis there are even some new prescription products that are available.
About the Author
Mike Marenick has appeared on Home Shopping Network and The Shopping Channel of Canada having numerous sell out shows. He was featured in two national infomercials about his skin care technology. Mike has also been an expert guest on Healthy Talk Radio for a national show hosted by Dr. Julian Whitaker. To date his products have been seen on ABC, FOX, CNBC, and CBS. They have also appeared in over 300 national and international publications including; Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Allure, Newsweek, Family Circle, Marie Claire, Redbook, Men’s Journal, Rolling Stone, Woman’s World, Men’s Fitness and many more.
Marenick began formulating skin care products over a decade ago based on a need to solve his mother’s life long battle with the skin condition called psoriasis. Over the years Marenick has continued to be an innovator in skin care using Ovasome Technology .