Can Scalp Psoriasis Cause Hair Loss
People with scalp psoriasis often suffer with a side effect of thinning hair. The hair loss can be caused by the psoriasis or by the products you are using to treat your psoriasis. If left untreated scalp psoriasis can cause hair temporary hair loss but it is rarely permanent. For most individuals the hair loss can be controlled often with products you can get at your local drug store.
Who Gets Scalp Psoriasis?
Scalp psoriasis can affect any person, of any age, race, or gender. This skin condition does not discriminate. It is very common for people with scalp psoriasis to also have body psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis will start as dry red flaky patches that can appear around the edge of the hairline, behind the ears or throughout the entire scalp. If left untreated the over production of skin cells will cause excessive flaking and scaling and will begin to appear as plaque. When someone is said to have plaque psoriasis this means that skin cells have built up in this area and may appear silver or grey and will be thick.
What Products Should You Use for Scalp Psoriasis?
The first line of defense for scalp psoriasis is a psoriasis shampoo. You should look for one that contains salicylic acid together with moisturizing and conditioning agents. By using a salicylic acid based OTC shampoo you can often control the scaly build up so the plaque patches will not get thick. Salicylic acid is an ingredient that will naturally help your body to exfoliate the extra skin cells so they do not get thick. Your scalp will also need moisturizing ingredients which can be found in some shampoos or as a separate cream. For severe plaque buildup the use of a scalp oil may be necessary. A scalp oil is designed to help loosen the dead skin cells so they can be removed more quickly. There are some companies that sell a complete scalp treatment kit that includes a topical cream, daily shampoo and conditioner along with a scalp oil.
So What Causes Scalp Psoriasis Hair Loss?
Scalp psoriasis hair loss occurs when the dead buildup of skin cells (the plaque) gets so thick that the hair cannot grow through and exit the scalp. Since the plaque patches can be both small and large, scalp psoriasis hair loss can make it look like you have bald patches on your head. If the plaque patches are just small spots your plaque psoriasis hair loss may just look like your hair is thinning. For most people once you begin treatment and the plaques begin to thin your hair should return to normal. There is a risk of leaving the psoriasis untreated for a very long time that could cause permanent hair loss. This is very rare but it is possible.
In addition, scalp psoriasis hair loss can be caused by the products you are using to treat your psoriasis. Some prescription products or cortisone and steroid creams are known to have a natural side effect of thinning hair or hair loss. The hair loss is often temporary but having scalp psoriasis is bad enough. No one wants to deal with the look of thinning hair. Fortunately most of these treatments are not for long term use so the scalp psoriasis hair loss should be quite temporary.
How to Handle Your Scalp Psoriasis Hair Loss
Scalp psoriasis hair loss is common but it can be easily controlled. If you start to notice hair coming out when you comb, brush or even run your hands through your hair it may be time to take some steps to control your scalp psoriasis. Products that can help you with removing the scaling include; topical shampoos, scalp oils and medicated creams. The products that contain FDA recognized ingredients for the treatment of psoriasis will be labeled as over-the-counter drug products and will show either salicylic acid or coal tar as active ingredients. Even though all of the scalp psoriasis treatment products will have similar active ingredients they should not be looked at as equal. You may notice a significant difference in some product prices. The more expensive products will often include rich nourishing ingredients such as essential oils, herbal extracts and even food based products like egg. Your scalp will need the vitamins, minerals and proteins that these extra ingredients provide to help it return to normal. Sometimes the extra money spent on these products will dramatically help speed up the treatment of your scalp psoriasis and stop your scalp psoriasis hair loss.